Friday, April 4, 2014

Fresh Express Salad Swap

I like salad, but I don't love salad.  I always feel like it leaves me wanting something more.  It wasn't until Fresh Express' Salad Swap challenge that I realized I was doing salads wrong.   This could work for me.  They take a basic craving such as a cheeseburger, chicken alfredo and grilled cheese and make it into a salad that will fill that craving, but be significantly less calories.  They have a completely free app that gives you tons of yummy recipes.  Fresh Express (through Mom's Meet) sent me some free salad coupons to try this out with my friends and give a review.  Target is the only place around me that sold Fresh Express, although some other major retailers carry it also.  They run around $1.99-$3.99 per bag and have lots of different options.  Here are some salads we made:

This was our (slightly modified with what we had) version of the creamy pasta. Yum!
This was our summer salad creation with creamy goat cheese. It was so colorful, sweet and delicious.
   I also made some spinach/kale smoothies for the kids.  I love sneaking healthy greens into things my kids will eat or drink.
What are some of your favorite salads?  Don't forget to sign up for the free app and get instant access to a complete library of recipes, a progress tracker, motivation, inspiration and Fresh Express coupons!  Which Salad Swap recipe will you try first?